Supporting the development of Afro-communities.

This program is centered around a long-term partnership with the Brazil-based NGO Ecam and is implemented in partnership with Quilombola community organizations such as the National Coordination of Quilombolas CONAQ (, Malungu, ARQMO among others. The program is implemented throughout Brazil with a specific focus on the Amazon region and the Brazilian Northeast. The objective is to support traditional communities such as Brazil Indigenous and Quilombola groups in building the tools they need to define their own futures. Currently 80% of Quilombola communities are impacted by some time of infrastructure projects while Brazil is considering opening Indigenous lands to mining operations. For more information on Brazil’s Quilombola groups please download the Sharing World publication here:


The Program is also currently supporting local community partners in providing emergency support to Quilombola, Indigenous and other communities in the Amazon states of Amapa, Para, Mato Grosso, Rondonia and Tocantins as well as other Brazilian states.  For more information please see the link here: